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Sustainability – Why Is It So Important?

The term “sustainable development” is on the lips of politicians, environmentalists and representatives of responsible business. But do you know what it really means? Why does it get talked about so much and how does it affect our daily lives?

What is sustainability?

Most people intuitively associate sustainability with environmental protection. This is not a mistake, just a gross oversimplification. In fact, it is about the balance between three factors of civilizational progress: social, economic and environmental. read more

Best Practices for Resilient Personal Development

The famous automaker Henry Ford once said: “The business that makes nothing but money is weak.” Not surprisingly, it is the corporate sector that is driving the adoption of sustainability and responsible use of resources as a major factor in this process

Several years ago, coffee producers joined together to address global environmental issues and ensure their companies are sustainable for the future.

The coffee industry has a significant impact on the global economy. More than 2.5 billion cups of the invigorating drink are drunk every day. For many of the 25 million people who work in the industry, its production is the only way to make a living. Therefore, any ecological disasters threaten not only the development of the entire industry, but also the level of social well-being of individual regions. read more

22 Endangered Plants You Need to Know About

Do you know what’s happening to our planet? Our forests are disappearing, our animal populations are declining, and many plant species are becoming extinct. In this blog post, we will focus on 26 endangered plants that you need to know about. These plants are in danger of becoming extinct, and it is important for us to learn about them and their unique characteristics. Each of these plants has a story to tell, and we hope that by learning more about them, we can help save them from extinction. read more